Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tips on How to Make Money from Affiliate Ad Programs

Choose Affiliate Ads That Compliment Your Website to Make the Most Money

Affiliate programs can be a great way to supplement your income but to the most out of them you must also be willing to spend time and effort into building an affiliate network.

Affiliate programs are not likely to make you rich overnight but joining the right programs can help you earn several hundred dollars per month on a moderately sized website in a relatively short time. The larger your website is, generally the greater your traffic draw from content will be. The higher your traffic rate is, the more likely you are to be successful with affiliate ads.

Much of your success depends on two things: the quality of your website content, and how selective you are in choosing affiliate program ads to compliment your site.

1. Choose Affiliate Ads That Are Consistent With Your Website's Purpose.

Keep your affiliate ads connected to your website's purpose and content as much as possible. You can be broad and creative, but remember to consider the interests and sensibilities of your website visitors. Affiliate ads should compliment your site - not compete with it.

For example, if you run a social network for stay-at-home moms, think about what most interests your audience. You might choose programs that offer products and services for children, but you might also consider selling books, links to online degrees, and even vacation planning affiliate programs.

2. Keep it Clean and "G" Rated.

You will not make money by adding porn and other adult content to a general interest website. Keep it off your site if you want to have any credibility and are trying to attract a loyal customer base rather than those just looking for instant gratification.

A G-Rated site stands a much better chance of consistently appearing in the most possible search engine returns. Unless you are actually running an adult-themed business, keep adult ads completely off your site. Even if your site content is as G-Rated as Mary Poppins if you allow adult content ads your site will still be listed as adult-oriented by search engines.

3. Do Not Over Do It.

Adding too many ads to a page and using annoying pop-ups and flash ads will usually accomplish only one thing: it will distract and annoy your readers who will just go somewhere else to find information without intrusive ads.

Today's Internet information surfers are savvy and are quickly able to find anything you have to say somewhere else in a matter of seconds. Keep your site fresh, content-rich, and use ads as an added feature (cleverly selection and placed, of course) that have the appearance of being an extension of your site, that is, a service or convenience feature for your visitors, not as a way to get rich.

4. Be Prepared to Work for Your Affiliates.

If your affiliate's ads are not working well on a page or section of your website, move them, change them, or remove them. Affiliate programs will drop you if your site is not performing for them.

If you a lack good results it tells you that your readers are not interested in the particular ads you are showing them, or that they are ignoring them for other reasons (which is often due to placing too many ads on one page).

5. Do Not Use Frame sets.

Using frames is generally considered a bad idea from an SEO standpoint for any website, but it is particularly important not to use affiliate ads that are set in frames.

6. Do Not Alter Affiliate Ads.

Most affiliate programs offer a variety of links, banners, and buttons to choose from. Affiliate marketers have already spent time and money and research to determine what ads sell best. They use their own branding which often includes specific phrases, colors, images, and even fonts. For this reason, with few exceptions, affiliate programs do not let you (even though it is technically easy to do) make changes to their ads. If you do make unauthorized changes the affiliate partner may refuse to pay you for any leads generated from altered ads.

The ads you choose to display on your site say something about you and your own business. Be selective, not greedy, and focus on ads that serve the needs of your website visitors to get the most out of affiliate programs.

Don't forget to post your comments

To your Success!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Real Way to Earn Money Online

Looking for a REAL way to earn money online? Look no further. Get SFI—and get REAL results with a REAL and PROVEN company.
If you're ready to get REAL, get SFI. Yesterday, 840 people from 81 different countries became SFI affiliates. That's one enrollment every 103 seconds. And that's just from ONE day! Join now
Why is SFI growing so fast? Simple. SFI works. The fact is, for more than 13 years now, SFI has been showing men and women all over the world how to build profitable Internet businesses from the comfort of their homes. Today, with 6042 new affiliates joining weekly, SFI is one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world. See for yourself see latest enrollments here .
One of the big reasons for our success is our unique online storefront, TripleClicks.com. TripleClicks is one of the fastest growing and most popular e-commerce sites on the Web today. And as an SFI affiliate, YOU share in its profits because it's YOUR store! With more than 49000 products (and hundreds of new products being added weekly)
TripleClicks has something for everyone--and that makes online selling both lucrative and fun! Plus, through our E-Commerce Associates program, we've partnered with hundreds of companies from all over the world to provide you with access to exciting, high-profit products and services from right within your own country! Visit our online store here to buy,sell or list your products.

But we've only just begun! Over the next 10 years, explosive worldwide growth is projected for SFI. Join our Affiliate programme today and start smiling to your bank every month end. More Reasons Why SFI Rocks are briefly stated below which I bet you'll hardly find a similar offer around.

1.No purchase requirements……..ever!
2.Start earning income immediately just by doing simple free actions!
3.Fast upfront compensation + great long term residual income potential!
4.Get paid in your country’s currency via payoneer,or Alertpay!
5.Share in profits from ALL sales at TripleClicks.com each months!

Sign up now by clicking here

Your Comments would be highly appreciated because this will go a long way to encourage me in extending more information and advice to you.

To Your Success!

Aim High.Dream Big!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

How to Profit From Networking

Sales are often developed through the relationships we have developed or created with other people. Networking functions provide the opportunity to expand our contact list, particularly when we create and nurture quality relationships. Visiting a networking group, talking to dozens of people and gathering as many as possible business card isn't enough. However, you can derive tremendous potential for new business leads from every networking function you engage in. Here are five carefully selected strategies to make networking profitable, enjoy it:

1. Choose the Right Networking Group

To obtain the best result from networking, you’ll have to join or attend the appropriate networking events for your particular industry. This may include trade shows, conferences, forums, and associations specifically dedicated to your type of business. For instance, if your target market is Group of companies, it does not make sense joining a group whose primary membership consists of individual business owners. Or, joining a dating site forum when you are actually engaged in affiliate as a niche. You can as well participate in groups where your potential clients meet. For example, a friend of mine joined a local franchise association Ogun state chapter, he assist people to negotiate leases with their landlords in Abeokuta environs. He joined the local franchise association because most franchisors lease their properties.

2. Focus on Quality Contacts against Quantity

My best approach is to make between two to five new contacts at each networking meeting I attend. Many people you must have experienced, while talking to you, keeps their eyes roving around the room seeking their next victim. These individuals are more interested in passing out and collecting business cards than establishing a relationship. I’ll implore you to focus on quality of the connection and people will become much more trusting of you.

3. Make Good and Positive First Impression

There is EXACTLY just one opportunity to make a great first impression. And factors that influence this initial impact are your hand shake, facial expressions, eye contact, interest in the other person and your overall attentiveness. Develop a great handshake, approach people with a natural, make good eye contact and wear a genuine and welcoming smile. Take note of the other person’s eyes as you introduce yourself. Listen carefully to their name. If you don’t hear them or understand exactly what they say, ask them to repeat it because many people do not speak clearly or loudly enough and others can be very nervous at networking events. Make a powerful impression by asking them what they do before talking about yourself or your business. Seek to understand first and then be understood. Comment on their business, ask them to elaborate, or have them explain something in a more detail way and as they continue; make sure you listen intently to what they tell you. Once you have demonstrated an interest in someone else, they will - in most cases – become more interested in you. When that occurs, follow the step outlined in the next point

4. State Clearly What you do

You should be able to state clearly what you do. Develop a twenty seconds introduction as well as forty seconds presentation. The introduction explains what you do and for whom. For example,” I work as an online entrepreneur that helps in giving tips and business strategies on how to make legitimate money, increase your business sales and profits.”This introduction should encourage the other person to ask you for more information and when they do, you recite your forty seconds presentation.”Kola Oluwole of K High Profile Clothing wanted a programme that would help his sales increase. After working with him for four months we achieved a 20.5 percent increase in sales. Plus, sales of his premium line of ties have doubled within this time frame.”As you can see, this gives a typical example of your work and the results you have helped your clients achieve. Each of these introductions needs to be well-rehearsed so you can recite them at any time and under any circumstance. Remember, you must be genuine, authentic and honest.

5. Follow Up After the Event

Most people drop the ball here which shouldn’t be the case. The follow-up is the most important aspect of networking. There are two specific strategies to take:

· First, immediately after the event – typically the next day – you should send a handwritten card or make a phone call to the people you met. Mention something from the conversation you had together and express your interest to keep in contact. Always include a business card in your correspondence.

· Next, within two weeks, contact that person and arrange to meet for launch. This will give you the opportunity to learn more about their business, the challenges they face, and how you could potentially help them. This is NOT a sales call – it is rather a relationship building meeting.

Networking does produce results. The more people know you and your business, and the more they trust you, the greater the likelihood they will either work with you or refer someone else to you.

Explore More. Dream Big and Aim High!

7 Steps to Creating Your Business Identity

Creating a business identity is an essential task to opening the doors to your business success and also publicise it. Listed here, are logical and orderly sequences of steps you can take to get your home business up and running by creating its identity.

But before you establish your business identity, there are some steps that will help you get the doors of your home business open. Before you reach this point, you need to have the under mentioned already:

  • Have a clear idea of what you will be doing and who your customers are by brainstorming your business.
  • Completed informal or preliminary business plan or a well-thought-out business plan outline.
  • Consider the benefits and disadvantages of the available legal forms your business entity could operate under and select the form of business that is best for you – at least initially: sole proprietorship; partnership; limited liability corporation (LLC). Most home business entrepreneurs start out as a sole proprietorship, but you need to know what the risks are before you do so.
  • Check any legal requirements or your country’s restrictions against operating the home business you want to start in your homeowners’ association (If you belong to one), your city, town, state and your country.

Now, once you’ve done all your homework stated above and you’re ready to get your home business identity started. Here are 7 steps you can follow and use as a checklist to establish an identity for your home business:

1.Brainstorm Your Business Name and Tagline

Your business and its tagline can create excitement and a low but steady buzz for your home business and will be an important part of your later marketing efforts.Some great recommended resources that can really help you in positively branding your business are the 8 video series called Brand yourself ...Brand your Business , Branding Your Way To Success or the Online branding Secrets

2.Establish an Address and Phone Numbers for Your Home Business

Completing this step early means that your home address and phone number won’t become public record when you do register your business.

3.Open a Business Bank Account

Part of having a business identity is to keep your business finances separate from your personal finances. There is just no better way to do that than to open a business account.

4.Create a Business Logo

Logo creation is one of the most important steps in business when advertising your products. Creating the perfect fit can be frustration if you do not have the right software and tools to get your message out there efficiently. A good business logo will go a long way in establishing your business identity. Your logo should reflect what your business does. It should be unique, eye-catching and easy to identify.Get your business logo creation with FREE consultation and a few samples of what they could come up with and discuss whether you wish to proceed with the order and get your advertising printed, installed and ready to do business !! at Logo Creation.Take that frustration away from you and use the expertise to match the right advertising that will represent you and your company. The perfect match !!

5.Order for Business Cards

Since a business card is often your first impression on a prospect, I’m certain you won’t want to jeopardize getting new business offers because you didn’t bother to have your business cards professionally printed.You can leave this aspect to S & L Creative Prints where you get your business cards printed on white or pastel coloured board. You actually decide on your logo design and lay-out of card (portrait or landscape). Get your 1000 Business Cards (Single sided). You can also get a creative and good business cards from Designer Label at a with a very good deal.You get'll 1000 business cards with all the trimmings at a very reasonable cost. Any colour or design can be added and created. Price will not increase just because you added a new colour or decided to add an email address. The price includes the logo, colours, and design of the business cards.If you wish to have an expertise to also create the logo for you and send you a few examples, that can also be done for you.

Remember ! Successful businesses need to have a little push and investment in order to achieve your ulitmate goal, and that is to make money !! Business cards can do just that !!

6. Create and Order Your Business Stationery

You can buy stationery or create it yourself. Again, you can use tools like Microsoft Publisher for this purpose, and plenty of design templates are provided to make creating custom stationery easy.

7. Establish an Online Presence for Your Business

Websites serves as a useful form of inexpensive advertising for most business. Even the most basic of websites can work as well as your online brochure. You may also decide to set up a blog for your home business – either in conjunction with, or instead of, a home business website.

Once you’ve completed these basic business identity steps, you will have effectively built a solid foundation for starting your home business.

You’re bound to make adjustments from time to time – that’s all part of having your own home business. But a big hurdle will have been cleared and you can begin making and spending money under your business name. In essence, you are giving your home business a “life of its own”

Your comments will go a long way in spurring me to do more and also help me when updating this post. So, send your comments and you may as well share the content.

Dont forget to send your comments.

To your Success!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

CashU-An Alternative Way for Nigerians to pay at SFI

To solve your payment problems, please follow the steps below:

1.Open an Account with CashU:

Go to cashU homepage

Choose to sign up from the homepage

Choose to sign up a payment account

Fill the needed information

Use the information sent to your email to login to your account

Complete filling your personal information. Go to the homepage here:http://www.cashU.com

Or Send me your name and email and I'll invite and guide you from CashU Account.

2.Open an Account with Epaynigeria here: http://www.epaynigeria.net

3.Make payment to your Cashu Account.

Go to cashU homepage

Go to "Find cashU"

Choose your country from the list

Choose the closest cashU reseller from the list

After buying the refill coupon login to your account

Fund your account using the pin code in the back of the refill coupon

Now you can enjoy online shopping with cashU!

Since this post focus on alternative ways to Paypals and Alertpay form of payments available to Nigerians, and the fact that I use epaynigeria to fund my CashU account, I will suggest you use the same to fund your CashU account. This is done by going to:

http://www.epaynigeria.com/cashu/buy-cashu.html or

On getting to epaynigeria website, on the down left hand side you'll see Quick Links.
Click on CashU and then click on Buy CashU. Follow the subsequent instructions given.

Note: You will open a transaction online before and after going to the bank to make deposit because they will give you an Order Number prior to going to the bank for payment, it is this Order Number you pay with. It sometimes looks like:


This is very important and you should take note because you have to pay in this format, this will also be what you will insert under the Name of Depositor’s column while making your payment at the bank.

4.After making the payment, you come back and log in to your epaynigeria account and fill a payment alert form to indicate and inform them that you have actually paid into their account. Do not forget your depositor’s duplicate teller because you shall be requested for the teller or slip number, bank paid to, order number etc which will be on your depositor’s slip.

5.epaynigeria will then send you Pin Number, Serial Number, dollar amount of purchase and your coupon number (very important)to your email.

6.Login to your CashU Account and upload this Pin Number/Coupon Number. Automatically, your dollar amount is updated into your CashU account. Once the amount is in your CashU Account you're now ready to purchase from Tripleclicks.

7.Then logon to your SFI account choose your product E.G. IAHBE.
At check Out Select PayByCash. Then follow the instructions.It will guide you to Login to your CashU Account and payment will be effected.

Note:PayByCash processing Fee might attract $4 to $4.99.So I advice you try and add all your orders at once to attract one time fee deduction.

8.For complete SFI Payment Processors go to:


While you’re there, Select Country - Nigeria. It will display various

Processors for Nigeria (which are Ultimate Game Card™,
Cash (through the mail), cashU, Ukash and Western Union QuickPay).
I am using CashU.

PayByCash will notify SFI once they have confirmed receipt of payment for your order. Note that this process could take up to 10 business days.

SFI can not post the order OR VP to your account, until they receive confirmation that payment has been received at PayByCash. Once they receive confirmation, your order and VP will be posted to your account immediately.

I've given you only CashU Payment Processor because this is what I use and easier for me.

8.Join me at Liberty Reserve another Payment Processor that you might need later:http://www.libertyreserve.com/en/?ref=U5673990


I hope this will solve your payment problems. This is what I use.

If you need any other assistance, please endeavour to drop your comment or use my contact to send a message.

Explore More.Aim High and Dream Big!