Friday, May 15, 2009

Product Analysis And Selection

My post today is on product analysis and selection,and I hope you will benefit from this information,in relation to your company's readiness to export.
Product analysis and selection is a very important area in the export business,especially for new entrants.It involves the consideration of various factors that come to play in the success of international business.Product selection has come to be identified as the most difficult aspect of the export business as against legal or even financial input with the various technical requirements.
Reason for the above difficulty can be explained by the fact that there is no single rule in the analysis and selection of products.In Nigeria we have several product manufacturers and commodities that each has its peculiar rules.The problem,therefore,is not only that of analyzing and selecting,but identifying and selecting the right product for your identified market.

The right product
What constitutes a right product differs from one entrepreneur to another.A product is considered right if it gets the exporter started as quickly as possible and has a good chance of paying the export returns.However,the exporters are advised by experts to get other products that can pay back rather than remaining at the planning stage,waiting for the perfect product that may not come.Don't forget that what appears to be right product for now may not be part of your business in the next few years.These first export products are used to develop the ideas and ways of doing business in international market.Experience,changing requirements and your business growth will certainly differ considerably as subsequent products are exported to the international market.
Bearing in mind that export business is opportunistic in nature,there is need to do proper analysis to determine the right products,and the plans must not be too rigid.It is not enough to decide on your general direction and let the details work themselves out with time,without the advice of a consultant.
The major objective of conducting a product analysis is to crystallize the financial and other resources that would be needed to bring a product idea to commercial reality.It further provides the basis for the metamorphosis of product ideas into detailed written proposals,which form the core for management decision-making process.
In analysing a product,care should be taken so that ideas,which don't seem good,are dismissed outright because of a lack of vision,while a poor product idea or information is passed through the screening stage.Nevertheless,a proper screening or analysis is not a guarantee for good product performance in the market place as there are several factors that determine this.Product analysis is done in two stages.

Objectives and Resources
This stage relates the product idea to the company objectives,financial resources and capabilities.The questions here are:Is the product idea compatible with the company's objectives in terms of profitability,return on investment,maintenance of corporate image,etc?It requires determining as accurately as possible the sales and profit volumes,product life span,risk,level of investment and recovering time.This stage also considers the company's available financial resources needed for commercializing an idea.Even though this exercise may be guesswork at this stage,a disciplined analysis of ideas at this stage can avoid wasteful commitment of resources.
Usually,ideas should have ratings to be considered worthwhile for investment.But this is not to say that those,which did not meet all the conditions,should be swept under the carpet.They should rather be kept in view as things change.Or better still,a remedy is found for those loopholes.For instance,if a product idea is compatible with the profitability and return on investment of the company but lacks th technical and professional resources for commercializing rather than discard the idea,the company should investigate how the available technical and professional resources can be improved,say,by in-house training schemes or by sending personnel on courses.

Competitive Strong Point
This second stage analysis of the product is from the standpoint of its potentials in enabling the company take maximum advantage of its competition.It starts by reviewing your company's competitive strengths and weaknesses,which are routinely carried out annually or whenever there is an activity that will significantly affect the company performance.Such spheres of performance factors as company personality and good will,marketing,personnel,research and development,finance production,etc are considered,though there is no hard and fast rule about what constitute the factors to be considered.
The company should carry out this review vis-a-vis those of its competitors to enable it determine which area its competitors has strong points and weak points,to take advantage.This information cannot be traded for anything.
From the two stages of product analysis and selection,one can conclude that passing the product through the first stage provides you with a disciplined but generalised estimates of the process and desirability of making and marketing the envisaged product.While the second stage suggests the ideas that pass the first test to a more vigorous competition-conscious screening.However,the firm can do the first stage,which requires only a sound business sense and a general knowledge of company activities,but the second stage will require the assistance of specialists or a consultant.
You can see from the foregoing that the processes of determining the right is not an easy task.On a cautious note,you are advised to check your preferences,through your export consultant,before commiting yourself to the product.In addition,you are warned of the get-rich-quick schemes that ensnare the business terrain.Do not jump at mouth-watering offers,or you will burn your fingers.

Your company
Here,strength,weakness,opportunities and threat (SWOT) analysis has to be done to determine the company's ability to go into export business.Its financial strength to accommodate risks,skilled personnel,who will withstand any difficulty that may arise from the business transactions,and to what extent can they cope with disappointment.The SWOT analysis is imperative,considering the ruthless nature of international market.You cannot make amend to documents or business proposals,like you do in the domestic market.The means of transport to be adopted for export,should take into consideration financial capability,product and delivery terms,etc.Your company's ability to guarantee quality of product is not negotiable in international trade.The issue at stake is that of credibility and ability to deliver as a responsible and responsive company,when required.With these obvious complexities,a skilled person has to be in charge of a company's export desk,in other to maximise profit and growth.

Cheers to your success.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Big Thumbs-Up To My Top Entrecard Droppers For The Month Of April

This is a short but unique post dedicated to my top TEN Entrecard droppers for last month.I thank you all for your visits,views,comments and mostly the interest you've all shown in my blog by consistently dropping by to drop Entrecards and also review my site.I really appreciate all your friendly gesture and will always measure up by reciprocating your actions.Hence,my resolve to show case your blogs to the world so as to exhibit the several positive benefits offered by your blogs.
 My Top Ten Droppers                                                            
1.Traders's Hub  (31 EC Drops)
3.Beyond Feron  (20 EC Drops)
5.Win Free Candy  (20 EC Drops)
6.SelectIndex  (19 EC Drops)
7.a site for woman  (13 EC Drops)
8.World Of Film  (13 EC Drops)
9.The Daily Planet  (12 EC Drops)
10.Change Your Mindset  (12 EC Drops)
Visit these blogs and see what they've got to offer you.And I am certain that a trial will surely convince you.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Secrets Of Making Profit In Your Business Enterprise

The future prospects of any enterprise depends on the ability to capitalise on the available opportunities through a deliberate strategic planning.And considering the fact that the main aim of many enterprise or an organisation is to make profit either in economic prosperity or adversity,a comprehensive and systematic approach towards harnessing and controlling the factors of production efficiently and effectively so as to achieve the goal of making profit as an entrepreneur is earmarked in this article.I will discuss here the sequential steps which if well adhered to will catapult your business towards the league of high profit making companies.

Identify and select the right personnel
As we know that management and leadership are about vission,mission,strategic planning,decision making process and the overall responsibilities of an enterprise,without any doubt the quality of leadership at the disposal of your enterprise may make or break your company but a capable leadership will positively impact on the ability of your company to be proactive and overcome inevitable business dynamics.
In fact,the strength and value of your organisation is largely determined by the quality of its leadership and employees.It is the duty of a leader to provide guidance,directions and inspirations to knowledgeable employees who are willing and able to learn.It is therefore necessary for your organisation to select the right personnel from the beginning and perpetually train them in line with the emerging work techniques.
Engaging a wrong personnel will hinder your business determination to expand your productive/service capacity and earning more profit will be challenged by inherent inefficiency and undue resistance to change.Apart from the valuable time that will be wasted on wranglings some will definitely be wasted  in the learning process.Therefore,getting it right from the outset by engaging professionals is,thus,crucial.

Arrange you projects in order of priorities
The ability of an enterprise achieving its corporate objectives depends largely on the quality of resources at its disposal.And as we all know that resources are not only scarce relative to their demand but can also be regarded to as wasting assets.Therefore,there should be a careful planning of your investment activities in such a way that optimum benefits would be  recorded with minimal lost.In order to achieve this,you must deliberately organise your objectives in order of priorities,suitably select projects that is certain to produce highest returns from the smallest combinations of inputs,in a way that your consumer's satisfaction is guaranteed.The decision of selection should be based on objective financial analysis and also based on comparing the benefits from projects against their costs such that a project with highest possible benefits and value are selected.Meaning that,more resources should be extended to the best investment opportunities that is open to the business so that your enterprise can maximise its opportunities without detriment to your customer's satisfaction.

Determine the activity that generates the highest percentage of your total profit
Most entrepreneur today believes that sales will bring higher profits,hence they focus on ways of expanding revenue through increased sales volume.The assumption is that an enterprise with a large market share will benefit from scale efficiencies,brand awareness or other advantages that may further translate to greater profits.Many entrepreneur often believe that if you can grow faster than your competitors then profit will simply follow.
But,I put it to you in strong terms that the current management thinking does not agree that profit necessarily follows increased revenue.It is believe that for you to improve the status of your profit earnings,you will have to analyse the aggregate profits earned in your enterprise at all points along the value chain and also determine the activity that add the highest percentage to your total profit and devote more effort and resources to it.

Purposeful abandonment of the old and unrewarding
Abandonment is the magic towards innovation-simply because it frees the necessary resources and also stimulates the search for the new that will replace the old.We are in a dynamic businesss world where the taste of consumers rapidly changes the production processes and not only that but this changes have also become increasingly sophisticated.The major outcome of this is that some yesterday products that claimed to be a cash cow has grown,matured and eventually lost its prime position in the consumers scale of preference and indeed the marketplace.
No matter how this product is repackaged and aggressively marketed,it will definitely not be able to generate income to sustain its retention in the long run,therefore it should be harvested,no matter what sentiments attached to this product by the company since it does not make sense investing scarce resources to keep this product afloat.A typical example here in Nigeria is what Ovaltine Nigeria Ltd. did to Ovaltine beverage and also what UAC did to old Kingsway store.This is known as purposeful abandonment of  old and unrewarding.

Time management and control of service/production
An entrepreneur must be able to keep him/herself abreast of the cost of operations by developing productivity control measures.Measures should be adopted in a way that the daily contribution/output of employees can be determined in addition to job evaluation and manpower audit that will subsequently lead to redeployment of staff to areas where they are better suited.And all this involves a manager or an entrepreneur checking physically the workdone by an employee e.g how many letters or memos were written?,how many minutes of meetings were developed and typed by the secretary?,etc all this rules will spur employees to put in more efforts and good performance should be rewarded.

Delegate and empower
If your subordinate can do a job effectively,then please stop doing it yourself and engage your capable employee(s),otherwise you will be spending more expensive time to address the problem.Delegate functions to your subordinates and empower them to act and gear their efforts towards the interest of the company,also close the pace of response to customer's needs,entrepreneur must be able to think about the future of the company and also any development arising within the chosen-market.And for you to do this,you will need to imbibe in yourself the culture of delegating and empowering.Many managers/entrepreneurs dislike this because of their hidden incompetence.
It is a well known fact that tomorrow is uncertain because a manager/entrepreneur cannot get ahead of today.In fact,few managers are greatly impressed with their own performance in the immediate tasks because such tasks recur again and again,no matter how many times they are solved.And the costs of repeated trials are great and I am sure many organisations can hardly afford this
As a  management expert,an executive  can think of tackling the future but he must be able to dispose of the challenges of today in less time and with greater impact and permanence.

I shall rest here today, will  keep you inform in my future updates on this topic,don't forget to subscribe to my feed for such updates and do endeavour to drop comment on this article.But before I go,I'll like you to remember that irrespective of your chosen area of endeavour,the task of management is essentially the same,that is,to create and maintain an internal environment in which individuals working together as groups attain efficient performance harmonious with the broad objectives of the enterprise.The environment must be condusive enough for individuals to make their maximum contributions to the efforts of the group.All these when properlly observed will definitely sring up the profit margin of your enterprise.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Transformation To A Cashless Society-Beyond Lamentation

Nigeria perhaps still have a long journey ahead as it yearn for tranformation into a cashless society,though the use of electronic payment card in this country is gradually picking up and thanks to the fact that all the 25 certified and licensed banks by our financial regulatory body CBN (Central Bank Of Nigeria) now have one form of credit and debit cards or the other.Though,banks stated that the introduction of these cards have made banking transactions easier for customers and the general populace but some visible lapses and inefficincies on the part of these banks have rendered the use of these cards a distressing experience.To be candid,the introduction of the e-cards held a lot of benefits but the banks cash ATM (Automated Teller Machine) which often malfunction made nonsense of such benefits.Lot of customers have experienced one form of embarrasment or the other from these Automated Teller Machines,subjecting them into harrowing experience.I personally had such experience myself sometimes last year,Tuesday 25th of March to be precise after coming home from my office to meet my younger brother Tunde who came back from his school (University Of Ilorin,Kwara State) to collect some urgently needed fees and needed to go back the following morning to observe his final examination paper slated for 3-4pm.He therefore had to move very early the next morning.
And because of insecurity,I seldomly kept huge sums in my abode.I decided to move with him the next morning,stop at the bank,get some money for him and drop him where he's going to board a bus for onward movement back to his school.How wrong I was,I got to my bank at Onikolobo road where my account is domiciled and was informed that the machine was not working but was told that if I could wait for about 30-40 minutes,the problem would be rectified.
And I had no choice but to wait since my cheque book was not with me,believe me,It took me more than 2 hours for  me to make a decision of going to another bank to make my withdrawal.Getting to this other bank the electronic cash machine displayed "YOUR DOMICILIARY BANK IS TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE".I was confused and later turned back and went Straight to my office where I eventually did what I always avoid by borrowing N40,000 from two of my colleagues to give to him (Tunde).He later called to tell me how he got to school and the examination hall late because of the hours wasted on trying to use the e-card machine.
Mrs. Remilekun Adejumo a colleague and one the two that borrowed me the money also share her own similar experience with me.She said,"on the evening of December 24th,2007,she had an urgent need to get some cash for personal use and considering the fact that she lives in the remote part of Abeokuta,Eleweran precisely and the nearest branch of a bank to her was the Intercontinental Bank branch located inside the Federal College of Education,Oshiele along Abeokuta/Ibadan expressway,so she decided to go there and it was in the evening.
She said she have never met someone as rude as the young man she met at the entrance of the bank that night in her life.What do you want?,the ATM is not working.Why are you coming to the bank at this time?were the questions he was asking her.
She said she even tried to explain that it was just some minutes past 8pm,and that the urgency of the situation called for her being there at that time but all was on deaf ears.
She later explained the most painful part of it all was when she saw him allowing some people in to the place where the machine is situated.And later gathered that that is what most of them do,as they only allow you access the machine when you are ready to play the game.Which made me wonder if the purpose of e-cards has any value without encountering one form of harrasment or the other.
But as customers are complaining,banks are importing and positioning more cash machines at their various branches.I also learnt First Bank PLC has introduced a foreign exchange ATM machine at the arrival hall of the Muritala Mohammed International Airport,Ikeja,Lagos for ease of forex transaction for the travellers.Well its a nice idea but why not make the present ones work effiiciently before expanding?
I interviewed a management staff of First Bank who pleaded anonymity prior to  this post,he explained how the machine works,he said the transactions are very secure,as it was strictly between the customer and the machine.
He further says banks introduced the card because they wanted to make banking services easier and cheaper and also to decongest the banking halls.He added that the e-cards were also meant to improve the security of both the customers and banking officials.
But I strongly believe banks need to respond proactively to their customer's concerns and ensure that their e-transaction systems operates in an efficient and effective manner.
Subscribe to my feed for subsequent updates.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How To Speed Up Your Computer System

You are your computer system and your computer system is you and since it is one of your resource tools,it is therefore necessary for you to reciprocate similar gesture you've extended to yourself so that it can efficiently function to your satisfaction.I actually promised to write a piece about this topic in my article computer virus and its danger you can read it through this link Do you know that by following some simple guideline that will be discussed here might actually help keep your computer system to run smoothly and also maintain its effectiveness without spending a kobo (a coin and the lowest denomination in Nigeria).This article will focus on how to speed up your computer system by using the available tools present in your Window XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) and Window Vista to effectively maintain your computer and also guard your privacy whenever you are online.I shall discuss under here 5 distinctive ways to get your computer back on the highway with that necessary speed.

Free up disk space
Improve the performance of your computer system by freeing the disk space.There is a disk tool cleanup in your system which will assist you to do this on your hard disk.The tool automatically recognises the file you can safely delete,it also gives you the choice to determine whether you'll like to delete some or all the identified files.Below is the list of what you ca do with the disk clean up tool.
  • It can be use to remove optional window component that you no longer use.
  • It can be use to remove installed programmes that you no longer use.
  • It can be use to remove windows temporary files.
  • It can be use to remove downloaded programme files like Java applets.
  • It can be use to empty your recycle bin.
  • It can be use to remove temporary Internet files.

Note: As explained in my last article on computer virus and its danger that temporary Internet files often occupies the most amount of space and this is simply because your browser safes each page of sites you visited for easier and faster future access.

How to use the Disk cleanup

Step 1

  • Click on Start button on your desktop.
  • Go to All Programmes.
  • Go to Accessories.
  • Go to System Tools.
  • And then click on Disk Cleanup.

Watch out because you can be prompted to indicate the drive to clean,If you have many drives.It will also calculate how much space you can free on your [C:] which may take some minutes to complete.

Step 2

  • After the Disk Cleanup for dialog box comes up,scroll down to the content of the Files to

delete list and choose the particular file or files you want to delete.

  • Uncheck the boxes for the files you want to delete and click OK.
  • When you are prompted to confirm whether you actually want to delete the specified files,click YES.

The Disk Cleanup dialog box closes after some minutes the cleanup is completed with your computer refreshed and ready to perform better.

Speed up access to data
When the overall performance of your computer system is slow then you should know that Disc fragmentation is responsible for this because when files are fragmented,the computer will have to search the hard disk whenever the file is opened to unify it back together which usually take long period.But there is a window utility known as Disk Defragmenter that consolidate fragmented files and folders on your system hard disk so that each takes a single space on the disk.Now,with your files stored bumper-to-bumper without fragmentation,reading and writing to the disk speed up.I advice you do disk defragmentation whenever you add a huge number of files,whenever your free disk space is 15-20 percent or less or when you install new programmes or a new version of windows.

How to use Disk Defragmenter

Step 1

  • Click on Start button on your desktop.
  • Go to Programmes.
  • Go to Accessories.
  • Go to System Tools.
  • And click Disk Defragmenter,and click Analyse to start the Disk Defragmenter.

Step 2

  • Click the drive that you want to defragment when the Disk Defragmenter dialog box emerge and then click the Analyse button.A dialog box will appear after the disk is analysed notifying you whether to defragment the analysed drives.
  • Click the Defragment button,in order to defragment the drive or drives you have selected.

Note: That there is no graphical illustration to demonstrate the progress in Window Vista
but the result will be displayed anyway,after the completion of the defragmentation.

  • Click View Report in order to view detailed information about your defragmented disk.
  • Click Close in order to close the View Report dialog box.
  • Click Close button on the title bar of the window in order to close the Disk Defragmenter utility and you are done.

Protect your computer against spyware
Spyware is one of the most dangerous threats to computer system,it can endanger and expose your confidential information to risks and it can further slow down the performance of your computer system.With spyware,the website you visit,your username,passwords and people you meet are not safe because spyware usually collect personal data about you without your permission.In order to avoid spyware I will recommend the use of Microsoft Window Defender and is available as a free download for Microsoft XP SP2.You can also obtain many other anti-spyware software programmes free,just search and you will get the suitable one for your system.

Delete and repair disk errors
In order to up the performance of your computer system after you must have run the disk cleanup and disk defragmenter is to scrutinise the integrity of the files stored on your hard disk by running an error checking on your hard drive.Bad sectors can also slow down your hard disk performance and aside from this it can also make file saving difficult or impossible.bad sectors develops as you use your hard drive,this error checking utility helps in scanning the hard drive for possible bad sectors and subsequently scan for file system errors to ascertain whether files or folders are misplaced.If you are the type that use your computer frequently,perhaps daily,I suggest you do this once in a week so as to guard you against data loss.

How to run the error checking utility

  • First make sure all opened files are closed.
  • Click Start button on your desktop.
  • Click on My Computer.
  • When My Computer's Window opens right-click the hard disk you want to search for bad sectors and click Properties.
  • Click Tools tab in the Properties dialog box.
  • Click the Check Now button.
  • Select the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors check box and then click Start.
  • Choose fix them whenever a bad sector were found.

Note: Check the "Automatically fix file system errors" box if you are certain your disk contains bad sectors.

Use ReadyBoost
ReadyBoost is a new concept which can also be used to speed up your system.Its concept is to allow you use a non-volatile flash memory to improve the performance without the addition of another memory.

Note: You can use ReadyBoost with Windows Vista and a non-volatile flash memory can be a USB flash drive or a memory card.

For more updates on future post,subscribe to my post and I hope this article help speed up your system.Drop comment on this post to spur me to do more.

Monday, April 6, 2009

How To Identify And Fix Overheating In Laptop Battery

One of the most frequent problems with laptop batteries is its overheating.This is not because the batteries are substandard or poorly designed but due to their small sizes,users wear and tears and sometimes lack of adequate ventilation.Laptops usually develops overheating more than desktop computers,overheating in laptop batteries can shorten the life expectancy of the battery and can equally cause system crashes or an irreparable damage to its components.

Are you aware that while using your laptop with AC adapter as a source of power the battery serves as a back up to it? in case of power failure or unexpected unplugging.During this period of using the AC adapter as a means of power supply,the battery becomes hotter than when its used alone.Here,I will extend some tips that will assist you in preventing and also fix your laptop overheating.

Avoid the blockage of air vents
Air vents blockage can be a major cause of your laptop overheating,therefore avoid the usage and placement of your laptops on bed,cushion or rug because a laptop that is left on a surface producing or holding heat can permanently damage it.Some laptops can generate enough heat that can melt its plastic case components And if at you are going to use it on this type of surface then make sure there are not covering the air vent.An ideal recommendation is to purchase a laptop desk or stand.

Maintain a room temperature for your battery
Remove your battery and allow it to cool down to room temperature before inserting it back when you notice its continuously hot to your touch.

Use duster or compressed air to clear dust from the vent
Air intake vents are slots located at the bottom or side of the laptop case and its function is to allow cool air to enter into the laptop.Use an air duster or a container of compressed air to blow the dust from the air intake vents.

Clean the cooling fan
The cooling fan exhaust system,located at the side or in some other laptops can be seen at the back of the laptop case should be cleaned.

Know when to use AC adapter
Plug in your AC power adapter only when you are charging the battery while using the device.

Use a laptop cooler
You can use a laptop cooler pad to further extend the life expectancy of your laptop.

Replace your faulty battery
Quickly identify and replace a defective battery as soon as possible.

Adjust your BIOS settings
Some laptops have some features built into their system BIOS which allows fan speed,find out and if yours have such features in it then I suggest you adjust its settings,the cooling temperature alarms and other settings.

Use your user manual
Read your user manual to learn more about safeguarding your laptop battery.And I hope these will fix the problem of your laptop overheating.Success to you all,don't forget to drop a comment and also register for my RSS feed subsequent updates.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tips On How To Make Money Online From Paid Emails

Making money online from paid email is one of the numerous and easy ways of accessing online incomes.However,it can also be a waste of time and energy if adequate care is not properly observe when looking for a company or network that host paid email services.To find them seems very easy because one can easily go to any search engine to search for such companies but choosing the best and legitimate one requires good and careful observation,failure to adhere with these observed and careful tips I'm about to pass across to you might lead you to scammers and subsequently chaos.One of the prominent mistakes people make is going for a scam sites while choosing a paid email programme,this will not only waste your valuable time as stated above but deplete your your resource(money).I will highlight some tips in this article that will assist any paid online email participator/would be in choosing a more reputable and legitimate paid email companies.

#Don't Be Deceived-Evaluate Their Offers
Always scrutinize the various offers dangled by these companies.The best and real paid email programme can only generate you around $0.01-$0.25 per mail at most and can never be more than that amount and I have my fact to back this up.The fact is that no paid email company can claim to charge less to advertisers and pay their members exorbitantly,if this happens then it is obviously certain it is a scam.We can do the simple arithmetic together here on our own,lets say these companies charge advertisers $10 or at most $25 (which rare) is for 1000 clicks or impressions then the amount payable to their members should NOT be more than $0.01 or $0.25 per email.So watch out and don't be deceived by outrageous amount always flagged by some sites.

#Embrace Privacy
Avoid using your real name and address,infact never use your personal information whenever you're registering with any paid email host.It is better to use a nickname as your Username in order to be on a safer side.

#Do Some Research
Endeavor to do some research work about the paid email company before you engage yourself,a good paid email company will be very popular and with proven track records among advertisers and members.It would have also started business for many years,do a bit research about the company's history and status to make sure you get the best paid email company available.

#Create Another Email Account
Don't ever use your main email account for paid email transaction,open another email account for receiving paid emails from your paid email host instead.This will also go a long way to assist you in reducing junk mails and spams.

#Make Enquiries From Members Of The Company
You can always determine if a particular paid email company you're about to enrol with is a scam by checking the various reviews and comments from registered members of the company before you register with such paid email company,You will definitely discover more negative comments and criticisms rather than good recommendations and try to learn from these people's mistakes.Make a list of all paid email companies you intend joining and start to gather information about their operations and dealings with their members.Immediately forget about a company you discover or notice to be a scam and step on to the next on your list until you get the one you're satisfied with .A good example is

#Solicit For Referrals
Intimate your family members,friends,students,teachers,colleagues or any other person about your paid email transactions and be certain to show them the sample of your payment made to you so as to pull more referrals to your account.Post or send posters with your referral link on it too and ensure your participation in forums and use the forum signature to promote your link also.

#Read Your Email Daily
Remember to always read your emails everyday because your failure to open and read your paid email for a long period will make such offer expire and subsequently deprive you of money that would have accrued to your account from such mail if opened.Another point is to wait til the giving time on the counter elapse before closing or logging out,if not,you will not be credited without viewing the mail for a specified time on the counter.Your account can also be terminated if you remain inactive and to avoid this you will need to open your paid emails regularly.

#Buy A Premium Membership
Upgrade yourself by procuring a premium membership on your account,by doing this you stand the chance of benefiting more from the paid email companies like free referral,low payout extended to you,high rate for each email sent to you etc.

You can start earning money immediately with these carefully designed steps by listing,researching,evaluating,selecting and finally subscribing to a reputable paid email network and follow the tips above.You can always encourage me to do more by visiting and dropping comment on my blog.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Identify And Strengthen Your Business Strength

Your biggest and greatest asset you can ever boast of as an entrepreneur,online marketer or home business practitioner is your strength but how many business operators can actually identify where their strength really lies? identifying the key strengths of your business might be difficult to you but adopting the best business practices is a sure channel that will assist you in spotting the strengths of your business enterprise.You might have a trailer loads of things that your company does well,yet you need to sieve the grain from the chaff in order to identify the most valuable possession among your possessions.

Identifying those core transactions,products,services,processes and intangible ideas that actually transformed or can transform your business towards growth and success is very crucial to your company's continuous progress.Therefore identify the strength that matter most and some possible area to search for your company's strengths.

Search For Reasons

We all have various reasons for establishing our businesses,it could be simply to make profit,make extra cash,to fall back on something after retirement,be self employed e.t.c but the basic fact is that there is a reason behind your establishment.Now,you may or may not have a framework for your business but somewhere,just somewhere in your mind lies your aim of establishing your company.Search and identify the reason the purpose of your business,identify the type of business you're into,identify the reason why your business still exist why other competitors have either liquidated or ran out of gas.Challenge yourself to search honestly and with conviction the reason why you started at the time you began your business sojourn,Is it to capitalise on the growing trend in demand for the products and services you're presently engaged in or to solve the growing crisis in the market for such services and products,could it be to provide quality services and products that is better than anyone else in your chosen-market or you simply just wanted to provide a great place of work for the people.Putting sentiments aside,why do you establish you business?

Acquiring Motivation

A dark but visible force in all business is the motivation of the entrepreneur or employees.Though this might seem like a wrong channel to look for business key strengths but I want you to know that nothing can ever be done without human contribution.Your employees may break or make you depending on your understandings,they have the opportunity of working somewhere else.Still,they work for you,why do you think they stay glued to your company?,what makes them happy working for you?,What motivates them to coming to the office everyday?,and what brings you to work everyday too?,what are your passion?.For without passion nothing can ever be done rightly.

I once know a small privately owned farm in Abeokuta (Nigeria) that supplies fresh eggs and other livestock products every Friday to some civil servants at their various offices.One of the employees of the farm told me one day When we had a deep conversation and I demanded to know the reason why he's doing what he's presently doing,he said and I quote "bros,I couldn't imagine what else to do because I love animals and because of this I love going to work everyday".Because of this key strength,the poultry is now the "customer's choice" of many private and public agencies and the reason is that the manager realised his key strength in this employee because of his natural love for the company's product and he (manager) built other strengths around him.Could your own key strength be your employees,products,services,clients or even you yourself?.Find out you key strengths and strengthen it more.

Remember that you can always be who you want to be,Yes,you might be good in your business activities but have you forgotten you can still be better and move on to be the best by searching for useful business ideas and inculcating them into your day to day business activities.One thing is certain afterward,you'll certainly experience more business productivity and increase in prospects that will eventually makes you smile to your bank.Post a comment about this article to inspire me in doing better.To your success.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Email Marketing-Is It Real Or "Spam"?

Basically,email marketing is a process of soliciting for business prospects through email.There is no doubt it is a veritable tool for online marketing but it can also create some problems because many customers around the world believes email marketing messages are "SPAMS" and the reason behind this it is that many scammers and businesses depends on the purchased email contact lists from less or non reputable list provider.This has created negative impact on many company's image,brand or service on several occasions.
Rather than sending thousands of email messages to an untargeted lists,small business have better success sending email newsletter to their customers and prospects.Furthermore,there is a regulations that make it compulsory for email marketers to accept the recipients choice of opting out or unsubscribe from their mailing list anytime.Email sometimes tends to be a spam when it is actually not.
Though this might be a short article it is to point out to some of us out there that believes all emails from unknown contact is a spam,NO far be it,it might be as a result of the source of the contact list from the list provider as mentioned above.
Success to you all.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Where Is Your Business Going And How Do You Intend To Get There?

Basically,there are three types of Entrepreneurs-one that make things happen,one that rather prefer to watch things happen and one that is amazed how things happened.As an entrepreneur you should be able to ask and answer yourself where your business is heading to ,that is,what your business will look like in the next two to three years and also ask yourself if you'll actually achieve your dream in the nearest future.

Though we can't actually point out what the future holds for us but if we don't make changes,will there be a difference in future?I guess not.But there is a certain way of changing the face of your business by doing away with old stuff and embrace the new and more profitable strategic plan.

Every entrepreneur should have a strategic plan which is the "winning goal" of any business or organisation ,a well design strategic plan will facilitate successful competition,customer's satisfaction and positive business participation in a chosen market platform when it is carefully planned and executed.Most small entrepreneurs and proprietors lived extremely in large excuses for not having things done in a strategic manner.I've experience some saying "I'm too young and new in the business",some says "I'm too small and not big enough" and some even went as far as saying "I've never had one before,Why should I start now?".

If all or some of these excuses sounds familiar to you presently then here are some interesting facts: research has shown that 50-60 percents of new business witness failure within the first 15 months because of lack of direction and about 90 percents of all business never have a strategic plan.Ask yourself these questions:Could you be more focused?,Could you be more effective?,Could your employees be more efficient than they presently are? and,Most importantly,could your business be more successful than it is now?.
I know a lot of you out there will give an affirmative "YES" to all these questions,but here is how some of the undermentioned strategic plans will change your answers to these set of questions.

Derive Focus From Your Vision
Most entrepreneur attends to daily and urgent needs of their various business but failed to focus on long-term plans and important aspects.We can always get what we focus on,there is no doubt about that but unless your employee and yourself as a manager focus on a common vision the business will advance nowhere.An implemented strategic plan can leverage,direct,protect and gear your employee's momentum towards achieving the common goal of the company.So do you have a vision to focus?

Goals And Objectives
Having a vision alone is not enough to transform your business in this ever changing world,without a proper channel to guide and control your employees your vision is a myriad.Hence,the reason for you to have a mission.Your business mission is the roadmap statement for guiding and leading your company to a higher level of performance and it provides the framework for decisions and actions designed by-The managers,departments and employees into a company's strategic game plan.Remember,a vision is useless without a roadmap to empower your staff.

Strategy saves time and energy in a business organisation,once your goals and objectives are visible then you can go ahead to design a way of achieving them.Your strategy gives speedy answers to the questions of how you're going to get there with the available resources at your disposal,your strategy as an entrepreneur fashions out how to achieve a particular purpose or target,how you can favourably compete among your competitors in the market,how you can gain advantage over your rivals,how your business can grow and expand,how you will satisfy your clients and employees and finally,how you'll respond to changes in market and other endeavour.

Implementation And Evaluation
The best strategies and missions on this earth are meaningless without good execution.The secret to a continuous success and wealth in this life is to find a need and fill it.Find/look for the needs of your business and solve it,by doing this you have successfully launch your business's continuous growth and wealth.Have you ever sat down and ask yourself if you're really where you ought to be if you had implemented some ideas,detect what your end result looks like and where your milestones should be.Plan your next move after executing one and evaluate your actions.If you find yourself off target,find out by how much,correcting yourself and going back on track should be your next plan.Strategic planning is a continuous and never ending business on its own.

Note that your business is a waste of time without a strategic plan,so be wise to have and implement one so as to catapult your business from where it is to where you intend it to be.

I hope this will go a long way in furnishing all entrepreneurs with more information about what needed to be done to transform our business to the next level.I think I'm done with this piece and I also hope this article helps if not visit my blog,ask your question(s) or drop a comment here.
More success to you all.

Monday, March 9, 2009

9 Marketing Strategies To Make You A Successful Entrepreneur

The difference between an accomplisher and a failure is basically the skill.A successful person has created a scope to handle events,situation and circumstances but a failure never bother to harness the necessary techniques needed to succeed,so what happens? there is a consistent repetition of same result they got day after day.Endeavour to create a momentum in your life so that you can keep manufacturing success here and there.You can always achieve what you want only when you put the right tools and understandings into practice as an entrepreneur and I have taken my time to dedicate this nine points to your business success.

Develop New Marketing Skills
The first step to positive business transformation as an entrepreneur aspiring to accomplish a continuous and improved sales is to open your mind to receiving new concepts via books,listening to audio tapes,magazines,journals,articles,seminars and workshops on your area of specialisations.This is to equip you with the current norms in your business world.Improving your entrepreneurial techniques should be a perpetual engagement in order to catapult your profits and sales to a higher altitude.

Solicit From An Experienced Accomplisher
Seek for someone with a good track record doing what you're into and that has successfully done so.Ask for some specific experience he/she has gained in creating and getting a positive marketing grades and customer testimonials.Be informed today that the more you seek for knowledge the more you move closer to it,the more you're closer to knowledge the more experienced you become and the more experienced you gather the easier it is for you to manage your business and other resources (i.e the more you seek,move,become,easier to manage).

Establish Good Relationship With Your Clients/Customers
Opportunities gravitates towards those who respect the interest of others.Develop interest in your customers,send them helpful recommendations and advice that you think would interest and assist them in making extra profit.Do not call them only when you have business transaction but sometimes to say hello,send them cards and gifts when occasions demands and this will keep you in their mind,they'll definitely appreciate and refer you to other prospective clients that might need your services.

Believe In Your Services
Exhibit,show and be proud of your services/products with confidence.State the benefits your prospects tend to gain with enthusiasm by doing business with you because if you don't accept or appreciate the quality of your products or services no one would.

Be Unique
Never make the mistake of comparing yourself with other competitors but rather look at what you have,could be and offer.Mind you,we are all uniquely and differently gifted.
Therefore,you will progress far more in doing something you're good in in a different way,concentrate on your unique service to your customer,consistent repackaging and branding will go a long way to help you.

Be Honest In Your Dealings
Owning up to your personal responsibilities is one one of your credit in disguise but lots of entrepreneur failed to realise this.Never lie or make up an ingenuine story for your inefficiency or failure to meet your client's demands.Defend yourself by stating reasonable explanation as to why things are the way it is,apologise and promise them there won't be a future re-occurrence.

Good Leadership Skills
Be a good exemplary for others to emulate.You can not give what you don't have.Another thing that needed to be known at this juncture is that the success or otherwise of your business depends on your good leadership qualities.A good entrepreneur should be able to identify and handle when his/her employee made mistakes,felt dissatisfied or unhappy and prompt action been taken to correct such because the one of the objectives of a business man is to obtain maximum support and co-operations of employee/staff in order so as to maximise his/her profit and the best way to examine this is by the efficiency formulae of your good leadership roles.

Set An Income Target
Every business Aspiring to grow must have a target annual income.Forecasting your annual income revenue can only spur you to achieving your aspired target provided you vigorously work towards it.

Interpersonal Relationship And Staff Welfare Package
Business is primarily a team work,involving a diversity in status,calibre and professional training.In an established business,the entrepreneur will utilise the work put of his/her employee to achieve a set objectives.It is therefore relevant that the relationship among various grades of people working with you must be well harmonised in order to achieve the project goal.It is the responsibility of the entrepreneur to minimise conflicts by soliciting for co-operation in cordial interpersonal relationship.Always recognise the positive rather than the negative trait of your employee,partner and other co-workers.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Computer virus and its danger

I recently visited a forum where a question was asked about the danger of virus infection and since its one of my area of specialization I took it upon myself that it will definitely be the first topic of my first blog.So I'm going to do my best to detail its (Virus) effect out.

Computer virus are programmes that are purposely design and it migrate from one computer system to another disturbing the smooth operations of the computer system.Though small, but has the capacity of corrupting your system,deleting the data on your computer ,complete erasure of your hard disk content and it can also spread itself to other computers through your e-mail programmes (especially through e-mail attachments).
It is advisable not to open attachment without knowing the source and when the source is detected it is always safer to scan with an antivirus before opening.
Virus can also come into your computer system by disguising as an attachments of video files,audio,greeting cards,funny image or through downloaded programmes/files from the Internet.They can be hidden in a programme you download,unseen software or other files.Therefore it is very necessary to keep your computer current and installing antivirus tools in order to keep your computer free from this software programme that has caused many problem to systems and untold hardship to entrepreneurs.

Furthermore you'll need to keep yourself abreast of the recent threats to computing in the world of today through identification and adoption of few basic rules while you surf on the Internet,receive e-mail attachment,download files e.t.c.Avoid getting your system infected with virus,how it got there and its type is not as important as removing and preventing future occurrence because once your computer system get infected it start developing some malfunctions automagically e.g. Slow in running,hard disk or modem start an overtime working and you'll start seeing programmes starting automatically and unexpected messages coming up sometimes.

Though there are numerous malicious viruses presently but the top threats now are:

Now, I will ask you some questions and if your answers are "Yes","Yes" and "Yes"then your system is infected with virus.Here are the questions below:

  1. Are you getting an unexpected messages?
  2. is your modem or hard disk working overtime?
  3. is your computer running very slowly?
  4. Is any programme starting automatically?

Suggestions on its removal

Though manual removal is not recommended but a full -system scan by using an up-to-date antivirus product in order to detect and remove any threat and spyware based in your your computer system.Microsoft online scanner can do this job fast and easy (you can visit,I have used it before and can attest to it suitability and its also free.Other top recommended antivirus and spyware are Listed below:

  • The shield Deluxe 2009-Antivirus And Antispyware
  • Bit defender Antivirus 2009
  • CA Antivirus Plus 2009
  • McAfee virus scan plus 2009
  • Webroot Antivirus with Antispyware 6.0
  • Norton Antivirus 2009 e.t.c

The list are endless but this are the top rated ones.

Preventive steps against computer virus infections

  1. Never trust an attachment file's icon.You may be fooled/deceived ,as worms mostly disguise using icons that are replica to icons of text,archive files or picture to deceive users.
  2. If you receive an e-mail message that you think is strange from a known friend or relative check with the person before you actually open it.
  3. Always disconnect your network or modem cable whenever you're not using your computer.
  4. Beware of double file extensions like NAME.BMP.EXE or NAME.TXT.VBS.Never open such attachment as they as threats to your computer systems.
  5. Always do a regular backups especially files you can't afford to lose or those that will b difficult to replace e.g. address books,important e-mails,bookmarks,documents e.t.c.It is advisable you regularly do backup for your entire system.
  6. Do not open e-mail attachment bearing file extensions SHS,PIF or VBS,normal attachment seldom use them except viruses and worms.
  7. Beware of online reception of attachment from strangers in online chat systems like ICQ,AOL instant messenger or IRC.
  8. Avoid the usage of floppies to exchange information between computers.In fact its an obsolete means of information storage.
  9. Install an antivirus and antispyware and also make sure you update continuously when such update is out.

I hope this has been helpful,but in case you have additional questions you can please use the add a comment button.This will go a long way in spurring me to do more better,

Success to you all.